Patient Information
first name
second name
last name
birth date
national id

*Names should be english alphabets without a space
*Date of Birth should always be when the person is born, not future date or false date
*If the person has no education, please leave blank, or else select the appropriate level of education
*National ID should be the exact persons National Digital ID number, please confirm before saving and moving to next task
Patient Address
kefle ketema
house number

*Kilel is patients origin as stated on the national ID, please use numerical input only
*Kefle Ketema is for addis ababa resident patients, please use alphabets
*House number should be numeric data, as stated on National ID
*Patient should provide active telephone number
*Email should be provided for relaying National health alerts and medical results for patient
Patient Emergency Contact
first name
second name
last name
birth date
primary telephone
secondary telephone

*Names should be english alphabets without a space
*Date of Birth should always be when the person is born, not future date or false date
*Emergency contact must provide primary telephone
*Relationship is contacts relation to the patient
*National ID will be required to be a patients emergency contact in the near future